


17 rue Basse4963 Clémency
Clémency 4963

Amoji Contact

Standard rate number

Services Provided

Property type:

Single-Family Homes Townhouse Passive House / Eco-friendly Farmhouse Flats / Apartments Hotels / Restaurants Multi-unit Residential Buildings Public Access Buildings

Type of Work

New Build Extension Roof Extension Renovation Conversion Interior Architecture & Design Restoration Building Upgrades Feasibility Studies Project Management Patios & Terraces Landscape Design Swimming Pools

Types of styles

Traditional Classic Modern Futuristic


Architect Olivier Davreux received his degree in architecture from the Lambert Lombard Institute in Liège in 2006. Working independently since 2008, the architect offers his services to clients throughout Belgium and Luxembourg. In 2012, he founded his practice that has progressively evolved and eventually taken over the firm Amoji (formerly H&S, a company founded in 1998), with a current team of 4 architects, 2 technical draughtspersons and 2 administrative colleagues.

Amoji is made up of a dynamic, passionate team that bring together diverse skills and experience, always united in a common goal: ensuring their clients’ satisfaction.

Their approach is founded on listening attentively to their clients to fully take in their wishes, personality and style, as well as all of the constraints to be taken into account, such as the budget.

The team members then contribute their technical experience and artistic sense, as well as their concern for the environment and thorough knowledge of applicable regulations in the project’s location, in order to respond to your needs with the most efficient, effective and relevant solution.

The name Amoji is a contraction of "architecture" and "emoji" - a contemporary way to highlight the firm’s goal to evoke an emotional response from their clients through its creative style, without aiming for dramatic excess, but rather by maintaining simplicity and keeping in mind that the works they create must above all be functional and improve quality of life.

Bioclimatic architecture is an important part of the architects’ work. At Amoji, their trademark is to bring together ergonomics, economy, ecology and aesthetics.

The architecture firm’s primary inspiration is to create simple, pared-down architecture that offers richness at the same time, in harmony with its urban or rural environment, nature, and most of all with its occupants. 

Contact Amoji today to make an appointment and bring your architecture project to life.


  • Regional
  • International
  • National


  • Design / Plans
  • Building permits
  • Construction Management
  • Consulting


  • Payment in instalments

Method of Payment

  • Transfer


  • French
  • English

Architects Registration Board

Contact Information