Popular Misconceptions About Architects

Architects are too expensive
False! Architects offer a service tailored to the needs of the client. An architect isn’t necessarily expensive, they will be upfront about the price of their services. In reality, an architect will save you money.
A building constructed by a professional will remain in better condition for longer, and you won’t need to spend as much money on maintenance bills.
Architects are out of my price range and unnecessary, a house-builder will be cheaper
Once again, this is a misconception for many reasons. Firstly, their legal role is very important: the architect acts as a guarantor in case of legal issues against a builder, for example. In addition, when money is tight, it is useful to hire an architect: they will know how to adapt to the circumstances and spend money only where it is really needed.
The architect won’t do what I ask them
Of course they will! The work of an architect consists of listening to their clients and bringing their dream projects to life, no matter what it may be. If the architect has accepted the brief, they will carry it out to the letter. An architect is equally able to create extravagant buildings as they are able to carry out more subtle, minimalist projects.
The role of an architect is also to keep the project coherent, they have to explain to clients if something can not be done in the manner originally specified. They have to make sure everything goes smoothly.
The architect will draw up the plans and then we’ll never see them again.
This, again, is untrue. The architect will make sure that the work is carried out correctly on the building site. They therefore not only draw up the plans but also manage all aspects of the work once it has commenced.
Hiring an architect is pointless
False. An architect will make your project more cost-effective. They provide a guarantee for you, as well as independent management of the works. After having examined your requirements, they will take charge of consulting with different companies and will manage the payment of different invoices as they arrive. This will save you a considerable amount of time.
An architect is only useful for technical details
False. According to one survey, 94% of people believe that the technical aspects (the drawing of the plans and then their insertion into the environment) is the biggest part of an architect’s work. Less well-known aspects of their work include providing advice and notably serving as a project manager in order to oversee the entirety of the works, in order to make sure they are delivered on time. While an architect may seem expensive upfront, they are sure to save you money in the long term.
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