Do I Need An Architect for an Extension?

In many cases, if you’re planning to add an extension or addition to your property, you may need to call on an architect.
Even if there is no legal requirement to hire an architect in the UK, there are many advantages, especially if your project requires planning permission. Many factors, such as the total surface area of the enlargement, the height of the extension, and the type of property can be key criteria in determining whether you need planning permission. An architect can advise you on all of these aspects and assure that your project complies with all regulations.
If you are building in France, an architect is required if the total surface area (including the extension) is more than 150 m². The surface area is considered to be the vertical projection of the construction’s volume, with all overhangs included (article R 420-1 of the Code de l’urbanisme).
If this is the case, the construction of an extension requires planning permission, and an architect is required.
What Are the Advantages of Hiring an Architect?
Hiring an architect brings certain advantages and important advice.
The architect first of all checks the project’s feasibility, they are have a duty to advise you and are legally responsible for this.
Another advantage, they will consult different contracting firms and tradespersons, and can therefore help you get a competitive price and give you important advice on which one is right for you.
In addition, an architect can carry out all administrative procedures for you, which will save you a lot of time and stress dealing with something that can be very complicated.
They can also be responsible for the general management of the works including meetings relating to construction, as well as making sure the work is advancing correctly and is carried out according to professional standards.
As for the fee, it is calculated according to the complexity of the planned works, the duties assigned and the chosen architect’s reputation.
The architect can be paid as a percentage or at a fixed price, depending on the services they provide for you.
For all of these reasons, consider consulting an architect for your next extension.
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